Timer Countdown

Learn how to build a time/date countdown with the Phenix timer Javascript plugin, to build amazing offers timers, event date timers, a sport stopwatch, etc.


Phenix date counter is a js plugin that lets you create an event date, countdown, and create a stopwatch for anything that needs to, the use of the plugin is simple you define a container for the date/time elements then you set a date and time with a valid time/date string format to count, and when you build a timer component you need to keep in mind :

<!-- Basic Init [date: MM-DD-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD] [time: hh:mm] -->
<div class="timer-demo" data-date="10-15-2022" data-time="00:00" data-message="event has ended."></div>

<!-- Basic Init as Stopwatch [time: hh:mm:ss] -->
<div class="timer-demo" data-type="stopwatch" data-time="00:00:50" data-message="time is up."></div>
//====> Build Timer's <====//
    type : "countdown",  //===> Timer Type [countdown, stopwatch]
    time : "10:15:00",   //===> Time = Hour:Minutes:Seconds
    date : "YYY-MM-DD",  //===> Date = Year-Month-Day
    message : string,    //===> Time End Message
    lazy : false,        //===> Lazyloading Timer
    callback : function(){}, //===> Callback Function When timer is finished

Countdown Timer

with Phenix .timer(options) you can build a Date and Time countdown Component, you can see an example below for the timer, and you can use the code to build one and style it as you like.

<!-- Date Counter Example -->
<div class="timer-demo" data-date="2022-10-15" data-message="event has ended.">
    <span data-label="seconds" class="seconds">41</span>
    <span data-label="minutes" class="minutes">15</span>
    <span data-label="hours" class="hours">17</span>
    <span data-label="days" class="days">201</span>
<!-- // Date Counter Example -->
//====> Build Timer's <====//

Stopwatch Timer

with Phenix .timer(options) you can build a Timer stopwatch Component, you can see an example below for the timer, and you can use the code to build one and style it as you like.

<!-- Timer Wrapper -->
<div class="timer-demo" data-type="stopwatch" data-time="00:01:50" data-message="event has ended.">
    <span data-label="seconds" class="seconds">00</span>
    <span data-label="minutes" class="minutes">00</span>
    <span data-label="hours" class="hours">00</span>
<!-- // Timer Wrapper -->
//====> Build Timer's <====//
    type : "stopwatch"