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Grid System Layouts

on Every block that has been designed to wrap up children elements and layout, like Container, Group, Row, Column, etc. which allow you to create any layout and make it responsive across all devices and screen size, you have all CSS Flexbox options,

and Phenix Grid System with the Support to Convert this layout into a Sliders and Carousels, you can control each column size in each screen, you can create equal columns layouts, or go more complex with the Masonry, and Gallery layout design patterns.

Flexbox layout options

Flexbox layout options

Columns Sizes 01 - 12 Max
Size No.13 Will take all Available Space

Columns Sizes 01 - 12 Max Size No.13 Will take all Available Space

Grid System Options

Grid System Options

Slider/Carousel Options

Slider/Carousel Options

Toolbar Options

in every Block you have, you will find often the main options of the block in the Quick access Toolbar that shows above the selected block, and here is a list of the Options you may came across:

