Hello, and welcome once more, in this page you will learn about Colors and Background of all types.

Colors and Backgrounds

on Every block that has children content you can find a find Styling button in the toolbar to change the color of the text or create a Background of Any type [Color, Image, Gradient, Video] or mixed of all, but mostly the wrappers Blocks, like Container, Group, Row, Column, Text Elements.



Available Colors

all the available colors are Pre-Registered by the Theme you have, and based on Phenix Design System (the Front-End Framework), it has a set of colors for both background and text that you can use without getting out of your Brand, and makes it easier for Content Creators to align their content with the theme and the brand colors.

and you can add more colors by adding custom colors from your editor styles.

Backgrounds Styles

the Background colors set however have more colors range then the text one, based on the design system logic the text always most have the higher contrast,

beside the One Color background, you have also a Pre-set gradients that align with your Brand and Theme colors palate

and you can add more colors by adding custom colors from your editor styles.

Video and Image Background

with the Colors and Gradient you have two more options for making background images with all the CSS options available to control that background properties with the option to create a Dark/Light Overlay layer over the background, and a video background that can be File or Embed video from any stream platform.



