Phenix Query

Learn how to work around Phenix Query JS/TypeScript source code to build fancy and interactive components.

What is Phenix Query

Typescript Modules

you can import and use the TypeScript modules into your project typescript by import Phenix from './node_modules/phenix-ts' which will import Phenix plugins for you to use it in your project,

or you can use it as a JavaScript module by import Phenix from "./node_modules/phenix-js"

inside your script file or even with HTML script in the example below, for more information about how to use P.D.S TypeScript/JavaScript click here


<script type="module">
    import Phenix from  "./node_modules/phenix-js" || "CDN URL";

Build TypeScript

phenix uses webpack to compile the typescript files to valid JavaScript files and you can run the build script by command linenpm run phenix-ts and it will watch any changes you make to the typescripts files and compile it instantly to js files,


Custom Scripts

in the typescript directory phenix/src/typescript you will find a custom-scripts.ts file for your design script you can use and extend the phenix query object and its modules there.