Learn how to work around Phenix Sass Mixin, which is a collection of sass functionality to create different stuff compatible with phenix and old browsers like responsive breakpoints, logical properties, PX to REM Converter, etc.
sass mixin is divided into each function as a separate module and it all goes into src/sass/assets/_mixin.scss
file you can include each function/mixin
individually or all together as in phenix.scss
and phenix-rtl.scss
sass main files and as mentioned above the mixin is core modules to build different stuff that has compatibility with old browsers such as logical properties etc.
the breakpoints mixin are a collection of mixin to create media query breakpoints for multiple screen sizes that match phenix responsive layout and utilities, components, etc.
and each screen size has a start point as minimum width and an end point as the maximum width and toggle the by adding the parameter "down" to the mixin function you can learn more about Breakpoints in Responsive Section.
/*====> Extra Small [0 => 480]px Screens Media Query <====*/
@include xSmall() {
/*===> Set CSS for Extra Small Screens and Up //*/
@include xSmall('down') {
/*===> Set CSS for Extra Small Screens and Down //*/
/*====> Small [576 => 700]px Screens Media Query <====*/
@include small() {
/*===> Set CSS for small screens and Up //*/
@include small('down') {
/*===> Set CSS for small screens and Down //*/
/*====> Medium [768 => 1100]px Screens Media Query <====*/
@include medium() {
/*===> Set CSS for medium screens and Up //*/
@include medium('down') {
/*===> Set CSS for medium screens and Down //*/
/*====> Large [1200 => 1366]px Screens Media Query <====*/
@include large() {
/*===> Set CSS for large screens and Up //*/
@include large('down') {
/*===> Set CSS for large screens and Down //*/
/*====> xLarge [1400 => 2500]px Screens Media Query <====*/
@include xlarge() {
/*===> Set CSS for xlarge screens and Up //*/
@include xlarge('down') {
/*===> Set CSS for xlarge screens and Down //*/
utility repeater is a simple mixin to create multiple classes with increasing values from point to point for example to create a series of classes that set the padding from 0 to 100px
like padding-5 or padding-30, padding-100
utility classes,
/*==== Basic Usage ====*/
@include Repeater ($min, $max, $class-name ,$property, $unit, $increase-step);
/*==== Padding Example ====*/
@include Repeater (0, 100, 'pd', 'padding', 'px', 5);
** the example above will create series of class names
** from pd-0 with padding: 0; value
** and increase each class by 5 which means pd-0, pd-5, pd-10 etc..
** to pd-100 with padding: 100px; as value.
REM Calculator function converts pixels to the CSS unit REM value based on the default font size of the document which in phenix is based on rem CSS variables, you can use it to set values with pixels and it will always return a rem value, you can use it like the example below.
/*==== Basic Usage ====*/
REM($px_size, $rem_base);
/*==== Example ====*/
.class-name {
margin: REM(30, 16);
padding: REM(30);
** the example above will calculate 30px from 16px REM base size
** which will print 1.875rem as value calculated
logical margin is a mixin that let you set a CSS Logical margin block and inline, you have margin_block($value, $position);
to set margin vertically to any element, we have margin_inline($value, $position);
to set margin horizontally to any element, and you can learn more from the example below
/*==== Set Margin Top and Bottom Logically ====*/
.class-name {
@include margin_block(30px, 'both');
/*==== Set Margin Top Logically ====*/
.class-name {
@include margin_block(30px, 'start');
/*==== Set Margin Bottom Logically ====*/
.class-name {
@include margin_block(30px, 'end');
/*==== Set Margin Left and Right Logically ====*/
.class-name {
@include margin_inline(30px, 'both');
/*==== Set Margin Left [ltr] Logically ====*/
.class-name {
@include margin_inline(30px, 'start');
/*==== Set Margin Right [ltr] Logically ====*/
.class-name {
@include margin_inline(30px, 'end');