Phenix Blocks is a WordPress plugin that allows users to easily build custom websites. This plugin represents a comprehensive design system that includes a variety of pre-made blocks and different settings that can be used to quickly and easily create web pages.
to get start with phenix design system in WordPress you can simply download the plugin and its starter theme from GitHub and upload it to your WordPress you can begin with uploading the plugin, then the theme and continue with the theme Setup Wizard.
Login to your WordPress Dashboard from (<>)
Make Sure your Permalinks is Set to Post-name
from Settings ⇒ Permalinks
Go to Appearance ⇒ Themes ⇒ Add new Theme ⇒ Upload Theme (select the file)
Go to Plugins ⇒ Add New ⇒ Upload Plugin (select the file that you downloaded)
, and you can skip this step and the plugin will be installed from the Theme Setup Wizard.
Follow the Theme Installation Wizard Instruction.
if you have downloaded a theme from Phenix Themes, or Similar platform store and you have a demo data you can import it using All-In-One-WP-Migration which comes with the theme's plugins, follow this Steps to import your Design and Theme Data: