Form Repeater Example Template :

<!-- Container -->
<div class="px-form-repeater" data-fields-key="fields">
    <!-- Headline -->
    <h5 class="fs-13 mb-10 weight-bold flexbox align-center-y align-between bg-offwhite-primary pd-10 pds-20 radius-sm">
        Form Fields List Repeater
        <button type="button" class="btn tiny primary square radius-sm px-repeater-add fas fa-plus"></button>
    <!-- Repeater Items -->
    <div class="px-repeater-items" data-item-key="0">
        <!-- Repeater Row -->
        <div class="px-form-repeater-fields px-group">
            <!-- ...Form Controls -->
        <!-- // Repeater Row -->
    <!-- // Repeater Items -->
<!-- // Container -->
//====> Data Syntax [ fields[0][fields-key] ]<====//
const RepeaterKeyObject = {
   0 : {
       field: string,
			 field: number,
   1 : {
       field: string,
			 field: number,
//====> Form Repeater <====//
Phenix(".px-form-repeater").forEach((repeater_container:Element) => {
    //====> Define Data <====//
    const add_btn  = repeater_container.querySelector(".px-repeater-add"),
            fields_key = repeater_container.getAttribute("data-fields-key"),
            items_list = repeater_container.querySelector(".px-repeater-items"),
            original_row = items_list.querySelector(".px-form-repeater-fields");

    //===> Set a Number for the Original Row <===//
    if(!original_row.getAttribute('data-item-key')) original_row.setAttribute("data-item-key", "1");

    //===> Correct the name of the Fields <===//
    original_row.querySelectorAll("[name]").forEach((element:HTMLElement) => {
        //====> Get the Name <====//
        let name = element.getAttribute("name");
        //====> Correct the Name <====//
        element.setAttribute("name", `${fields_key}[${original_row.getAttribute('data-item-key')}][${name}]`);

    //===> Take a Deep Clone from the Original Row <===//
    const original_row_clone = original_row.cloneNode(true);
    //====> Add New Item <====//
    add_btn.addEventListener("click", (event:any) => {
        //===> Create new Row <===//
        const newRow:any = items_list.appendChild(original_row.cloneNode(true)),
                currentRows = items_list.querySelectorAll(".px-form-repeater-fields").length;

        //===> Increase the Row Number <===//
        newRow.setAttribute("data-item-key", currentRows);

        //===> Change the Fields Name <===//
        newRow.querySelectorAll("[name]").forEach((element:any) => {
            //====> Get the Name <====//
            let name = element.getAttribute("name");
            //====> Correct the Name <====//
            element.setAttribute("name", name.replace(`[${currentRows-1}]`, `[${currentRows}]`));

            //====> Cleanup Any Values <====//
            if (element.value) element.value = "";
            if (element.tagName === "TEXTAREA") element.innerHTML = "";

            //====> Clean Up Select Options <====//
            if (element.tagName === "SELECT") {
                element.querySelectorAll('[selected]').forEach(option => option.removeAttribute('selected'));
                //====> Advanced Select Rebuild <====//
                if (element.classList.contains('px-select')) {
                    //====> Get the Select Wrapper <====//
                    let selectWrapper = Phenix(element).ancestor('.px-select');
                    //====> Remove Mounted Class <====//
                    element.classList.remove('px-mounted', 'hidden');
                    //====> Move the Select Element and Remove the Select Wrapper <====//
                    Phenix(selectWrapper).insert('before', element);
                    //====> Rebuild the Select Element <====//

        //===> Create Remove Button <===//
        const removeBtn = add_btn.cloneNode(false);

        //===> Insert the Remove Button <===//
        const currentRemoveBtn = newRow.appendChild(removeBtn);

        //===> Change the Button Style <===//
        currentRemoveBtn.classList.remove("fa-plus", "tiny", "small", "large", "xlarge");
        currentRemoveBtn.classList.add('fa-minus', 'danger');

        //====> Correct Button Size <====//
        if (newRow.querySelector(".form-control")) {
            let classNames = newRow.querySelector(".form-control").classList;
            let sizes = ["tiny", "small", "large", "xlarge"];
            sizes.some(size => classNames.contains(size) ? currentRemoveBtn.classList.add(size) : '');

        //====> Remove the Item <====//
        currentRemoveBtn.addEventListener("click", (event:any) => Phenix(".px-form-repeater-fields").remove());