hello, and Welcome, in this page you will learn how to deal with your Dynamic Data and Content, and how to Create New Types of Content or Categories and Custom Fields, Block Patterns for your content.
in the Menu Locations tab of the Data Collection tools you can create new menu locations for the Classic Dynamic Menu’s and the PDS Menu Block to create new dynamic responsive menus.
in the Post Types tab, you can create or edit the Type of Content your website has, for example you have the blog by default, in your theme you might also have Service content type or Products Content type etc.
you can create new content type and then Design a dynamic Archive and Single Templates from the Site Editor, using the Main Template Parts of your website and Any of our Dynamic Blocks like the Posts Query.
and one more advanced feature you can also assign a default Blocks Pattern, to start up your new Post or Service you can do that by building up your content and copy all Blocks, then go to Block Patterns in Phenix and Register your content as Pattern, go back to the Post Type edit it and select that Pattern to be the Default content to start the post with and edit it or re-write the content without making the layouts repeatedly.
in the Taxonomies tab you can create and edit any Type of Categorizing Data Types, like categories for the blog, or any other kind of categories like countries or Business sectors, Service types etc.,
when you create, a new Taxonomy do not forget to edit the post-types that assigned to it, to also add the Taxonomy in the Post-Types.