Columns Options

Learn how to modify columns with a handful of options for alignment, ordering, and offsetting thanks to our flexbox grid system. Plus, see how to use column classes to manage the widths of non-grid elements.

How it Works

Heads up! Be sure to read the Grid page first before diving into how to modify and customize your grid columns.

Sorting & Order

Use flexbox flow sorting to reverse and define how the flow of the grid will go there is three classes to sort the flow [ .flow-reverse.flow-columns.flow-columns-reverse], which can be used to reverse columns order, you can also use .order-* to re-order each column individually by a number from 0 to 24.

Option xSmall Small Medium Large xLarge
Breakpoint > 0 > 576 > 768 > 1200 > 1366
Flow prefix flow-* flow-sm-* flow-md-* flow-lg-* flow-xl-*
Order prefix order-* order-sm-* order-md-* order-lg-* order-xl-*
Order Limit 24 columns —— —— —— ——
<!-- Flow Reverse -->
<div class="row flow-reverse">
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n1</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n2</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n3</div>
    <!-- // Column -->
<!-- // Flow Reverse -->

<!-- Stacked Flow -->
<div class="row flow-columns">
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n1</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n2</div>
    <!-- // Column -->
<!-- // Stacked Flow -->

<!-- Stacked Flow Reverse -->
<div class="row flow-columns-reverse">
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n1</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">col n2</div>
    <!-- // Column -->
<!-- // Stacked Flow Reverse -->

Ordering Example

<!-- Ordering -->
<div class="row">
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4 order-5">order n1:n5</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4 order-1">order n2:n1</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4 order-4">order n3:n4</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4 order-3">order n4:n3</div>
    <!-- Column -->
    <div class="col-4">order n5:none</div>
    <!-- // Column -->
<!-- // Ordering -->


Use flexbox alignment utilities to vertically and horizontally align columns, Phenix comes with predefined alignment classes for flexbox grids that can be applied at any specific breakpoint, or through all breakpoints at once,

Responsive Classes

flexbox has 5 different values for alignment the classes are named with each of these values : [start, center, end, space-around, space-between], which set how columns are aligned inside the row container and here is a table for the class names pattern.

Feature xSmall Small Medium Large xLarge
Breakpoint > 0 > 576 > 768 > 1200 > 1366
Class Prefix align-* align-sm-* align-md-* align-lg-* align-xl-*
Vertical prefix align-*-y align-sm-*-y align-md-*-y align-lg-*-y align-xl-*-y
Horizontal prefix align-*-x align-sm-*-x align-md-*-x align-lg-*-x align-xl-*-x
Self Alignment align-self-* align-self-sm-* align-self-md-* align-self-lg-* align-self-xl-*

Alignment All [x/y]

Use flexbox alignment utilities to vertically and horizontally align columns.