CSS Variables

Learn how to customize Phenix design style by CSS variables, it uses a group of custom CSS properties such as global colors, fonts, and breakpoints, for easy control and customize the design properties.

Document Options

you may want to start with customizing the document properties like background and REM base size through all responsive breakpoints and direction options if you need to change the document directions in any specific case,

:root {
    /*==== Body Background ====*/
    --body-bg : #fcfcfc;

    /*==== Responsive REM:Base ====*/
    --rem-xl : 17px; /*===> xLarge Screens and Up */
    --rem-lg : 16px; /*===> Large Screens and Up */
    --rem-md : 15px; /*===> Medium Screens and Up */
    --rem-sm : 14px; /*===> Small Screens and Up */
    --rem-xs : 13px; /*===> Extra Small Screens and Up */

    /*==== Index Order ====*/
    --header-index : 9999;
    --modal-index  : 99999;
    --dropdown-index : 99999;

Font Options

font CSS properties let you identify a primary font for headlines and secondary font for document text and those custom CSS properties used across Phenix layout and components, here is a list of the options available for typography :

:root {
    /*==== Font Families ====*/
    --primary-font   : 'Fira Sans', sans-serif;  /*===> Headlines */
    --secondary-font : 'Fira Sans', sans-serif;  /*===> Global Text */
    --icons-font: "Font Awesome 5";

    /*==== Font Weight ====*/
    --thin-weight   : 100;
    --xlight-weight : 200;
    --light-weight  : 300;
    --normal-weight : 400;
    --medium-weight : 500;
    --bold-weight   : 600;
    --strong-weight : 700;
    --xbold-weight  : 800;
    --black-weight  : 900;

    /*==== Standard Line-Height ====*/
    --line-height: 1.625;

Main Colors

in the next custom CSS properties you will find a primary & secondary color to make phenix fit your brand style, which is used across Phenix layoutcomponentsutilities

:root {
    /*==== Primary Color ====*/
    --primary-color   : #00C4FF;
    --primary-hover   : #1A69F4;
    --primary-reverse : #FFFFFF;
    --primary-offwhite: #F5F7F4;
    --offwhite-border : #d0e4da;

    /*==== Secondary Color ====*/
    --secondary-color   : #F8C35B;
    --secondary-hover   : #FB955D;
    --secondary-reverse : #FFFFFF;
    --secondary-offwhite: #eedec0;

    /*==== Gradients ====*/
    --primary-gradient   : var(--primary-color), var(--primary-hover);
    --secondary-gradient : var(--secondary-color), var(--secondary-hover);
    --purple-gradient    : #8772F7, #5F48DD;
    --warning-gradient   : #FFD500, #F49D1A;
    --danger-gradient    : #FD875B, #F9515A, #F96AAC;
    --ice-gradient       : #54AEFC, #3289E9, #5848D2;
    --fire-gradient      : #FFD500, #FAA10B, #F4291A;
    --water-gradient     : #00C4FF, #1A69F4;

Typography Colors

in the next custom CSS properties you will find the text and typography colors, which are used across Phenix layoutcomponentsutilities, and typography

:root {
    /*==== Typography Colors ====*/
    --headlines-color  : #1c1c1c;
    --typography-color : #555;
    --light-reverse    : #000;
    --dark-reverse     : #FFF;

Assets Colors

in the next custom CSS properties you will find assets and status colors to customize with your design concept, which take effect on layoutcomponentsutilities, etc.

:root {
    /*=== Assets Colors ====*/
    --links-color   : #4166d6;
    --info-color    : #17c0db;
    --gray-color    : #868e96;
    --dark-color    : #343a40;
    --success-color : #22b544;
    --danger-color  : #de3131;
    --warning-color : #f4bb0e;
    --disable-color : #ebebeb;

    /*=== Assets Offwhite ====*/
    --info-light    : #a6eaf5;
    --gray-light    : #d9dde1;
    --dark-light    : #343a40;
    --success-light : #c1eecc;
    --danger-light  : #fbbbbb;
    --warning-light : #ffdd75;

Brands Colors

in the next custom CSS properties you will find the top famous brands’ colors to customize with your design concept, which takes effect on layoutcomponentsutilities, etc.

:root {
    --facebook-color  : #505cd6;
    --twitter-color   : #1da1f2;
    --youtube-color   : #e43e3c;
    --instagram-color : #d43f8d;
    --snapchat-color  : #e2e62c;
    --whatsapp-color  : #10d058;
    --pinterest-color : #bd081c;
    --linkedin-color  : #0077b5;
    --behance-color   : #1769ff;
    --dribbble-color  : #ea4c89;
    --flicker-color   : #0063dc;
    --google-red      : #ea4335;