View-Port Animations

learn how to create animation effects for your elements when they appear on the screen or in any case you want a nice animation in it for entering and exiting effects.

How it Works

phenix uses a simple functionality to monitor the targeted elements and when they appear in the screen view it adds to it a css animation-namedurationdelay and a class name of .view-active if you need to add your animation scenario to make it show animated, here are some tips on some options :

Basic Usage

to create animated elements when they enter the viewpoint of the screen you can create these effects by using Phenix(‘.view-status’).animations(options) after that, you can use data attributes to define the animation name, duration, delay for each targeted element.

<!-- Animated Element -->
<div class="any-element"

Animations List

Phenix uses a third-party collection of preset animations from Animate.css Library by Daniel Eden that loaded when you activate the javascript animations and you can find all the animations listed in the library Documentation for further information about its features,

and you can make the directional animations dynamically change depending on the document page direction by activating the directionFix: true in the Javascript options then you can use the terms StartEnd instead of Left/Right in your element animation name attribute.

Directional Ex. Description Result in [LTR] Result in [RTL]
fadeInStart show with opacity and slide to the page direction to start fadeInLeft fadeInRight
fadeOutStart hide with opacity and slide to the page direction to start fadeOutLeft fadeOutRight
fadeInEnd show with opacity and sliding to the page direction end fadeInRight fadeInLeft
fadeOutEnd hide with opacity and slide to the page direction end fadeOutRight fadeOutLeft

Animations on Demand

as mentioned above the animations() uses a third-party animations library in its core with the option to animate CSS you can define a specific set of animations to load from the library if you do not need the complete library and it can be defined with the js option when you initialize the plugin and give it a value or array of set names:

//====> Loading Animations only without Watching Any Element <====//
    animateCSS: [
Animations Sets Description
fading Load Fading in and out animation set from animate.css
sliding Load Slide in and out animation set from animate.css
flippers Load Flapping in and out animation set from animate.css
attentions Load Attention Seekers animations set from animate.css
lightspeed Load Lightspeed animations set from animate.css
rotating Load Rotating animations set from animate.css
zooming Load Zooming animations set from animate.css
specials Load Specials animations set from animate.css
back Load Back In/Out animations set from animate.css
bouncing Load Bouncing animations set from animate.css
utilities Load animate.css set of classes for animations utilities.
all or true Load all animations set from animate.css